Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Water Experiment D.L.O.


This is my Science, Water D.L.O.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Water Cycle.


Cycle Trip.

 Cycle Trip.

On Wednesday 26th of May, Room 8 went on two bike tracks for the William Pike Challenge. The first track we rode was the Mananui Tramline. The second track was called Hurunui Jacks. The first and the second track both took a total of about one and a half hours each. 

At about 9:00am on Wednesday morning, we got into our car groups and drove to the first cycle ride, the Mananui Tramline. In my group there was Indi, Emma, Olive, Mr Tim Robins and I. When we arrived at the track we all gathered together with our bikes and got assigned to a biking buddy, so that we could make sure they were okay and felt comfortable with changing gears. 

Once we had all gathered in the car park we had to use a compass to find the bearing and direction in which we were facing. Once we had finished working out the bearing and direction we left the car park and started the trail ride.

Along the way there were some wooden bridges hovering over water.  Some of them didn't have rails on the side of them so I was anxious that I was going to fall into the water. Everyone's hands were freezing cold from the icy wind. In some parts this track was really bumpy and in others the track was smooth and easy to ride. The thing I liked the most about this track was the smooth downhill parts in the trail, because I didn't have to work as hard as I did when I was riding the bumpy parts and I got to save some energy. When we finished this track we packed up our bikes and drove to the other trail ride, the Hurunui Jacks.

We arrived at the Hurunui Jacks trail ride at about 12:30 and stopped for a lunch break before we started to ride. When we all gathered with our bikes, we had to find the direction and bearing of which way we were facing using the compass again. At last we set off on the ride. At the start of the trail there was a long gravel road. Off to the side of the road there was frosty grass and water that had water vapor hovering over it. About halfway through this ride, there was a huge hill that seemed impossible to ride all the way up, but however some people managed to do it but I just ended up walking my bike up. 

At the top of the hill we stopped for a break and set off again. We went down a track that had lots of water races, and went over some slim bridges. We got to the end of the trail and four people decided not to do the ride back but the rest of us kept going. 

On the way back it was mostly downhill and we got to have a race to see who could finish first. When I went round a sharp corner, I was going to fast to stop and flew off my bike and then skidded across the ground and although it hurt a lot, it was really funny. 

The thing I liked the most about the Hurunui Jacks trail ride was riding down the huge hill and I also liked finishing this bike ride because at the start I thought that I couldn't do it.  I really enjoyed this outing and I would consider doing it again.