Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Te Reo Maori-What Are You Doing Today- Summer learning journey.

I have completed summer learning journey task 2. 

Here is my work.

Fishy False teeth-Summer Learning Journey.

I have completed the first task for the summer learning journey. 

Here is my work.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Perimeter, Volume and Area D.L.O.

 DLO Template:

We are learning to calculate

the perimeter, area and volume of shapes:

Our task:

Make two different shapes, using the unifix cubes, that have a volume of: 

  1.  36 cm cubed 

(Insert photos of your two different shapes) 

  1.  What is the perimeter of each shape?

         No.1= 14cm        No.2= 18cm. 

  1.  What is the area of the bottom level of each shape? 

          No.1= 12cm squared      No.2= 18cm squared.

What formula can we use to work out: 

Perimeter: 2 (L + W)

Area: L x W

Volume: L x W x H